Why, hello there. 👋🏼

I’m Sam. The pleasure is mine.

Lover of hot coffees, WordPress, solo-dance-parties & kid snuggles. Lifecycle Marketing Manager, Activation @ WP Engine.

Private notes about balancing ambition, peace, and purpose. 👇🏼

    Enter Sam’s Mind…

    I explore topics of WordPress, web design, development, the intersections of life & career, and being an intentional freelancer.

    most recently…

    • #SamGoesHeadless: Chapter 02

      Join me as I create a simple Next.js app leveraging WPGraphQL. And course, we have to make it pretty.

    • #SamGoesHeadless: Chapter 01

      It’s time for my next headless WordPress adventure, exploring the magical world of WPGraphQL.

    • #SamGoesHeadless: Chapter 00

      2024 is the year I learn headless WordPress. I am ready to humble myself and learn a totally new way of building a website.

    All Posts →

    Build Mode

    Live conversations about modern WordPress, the future of the Site Editor and how it all impacts business owners. Co-hosted with Brian Gardner.

    Making Website Magic

    I co-hosted a podcast alongside Karyn Paige from 2021 to 2022 all about empowering women in their web design businesses. There you can also find an assortment of helpful WordPress and other technical how-to’s.

    Design & Development

    I have worked with clients worldwide, crafting and implementing unique WordPress solutions to create their digital universes. My work and consultation have helped women-owned businesses generate millions of dollars in revenue.

    As I lean into my life & family, I am no longer available for new projects.