
Unpacking Female Empowerment

Is my career the only path to empowerment? It can’t be.

When I was deeply embedded in the online business world, I remember hearing phrases like “grow your team” and “scale” on a daily basis.

It sounded like the only path to success, fulfillment, and empowerment.

I know that I even said those things myself 😔

As I am untangling my identity and my life’s purpose from my career and professional ambitions, I find myself returning to this again and again – especially through the lens of female empowerment.

When did our jobs become our path to empowerment?

There is a lot I want to explore here, and it’s been years of swirling thoughts and confusion – unpacking my feelings about what’s most valuable in life.

I know a lot of women who started businesses not only because they were passionate, but because they wanted time with their family.

Growing your team & scaling doesn’t always equal more time for the things that matter most.

Most importantly: running a team, being a business owner, or thriving in your career is not the only way to empower yourself.

If you’re in the thick of entrepreneurship, I sincerely send you all of my best wishes, it is hard stuff.

If you’re finding yourself lost, confused, or chasing goals that are taking you away from what’s most important to you – it’s okay to stop, pause, reassess, and change course.

You’re allowed to be empowered however you want.

If you want to fly solo, make good money, and shut your laptop so you can go snuggle your kids and explore your hobbies – I so want that for you.

If you want to grow a team or an agency and scale your business and that is truly your heart’s desire, I am cheering you on so hard.

If you want to completely opt out of a career and bring your gifts and talents into your home as a stay-at-home parent, I hope you do exactly that.

Please, ladies, just make sure you’re following YOUR life path, not someone else’s.

That’s true empowerment.

P.S. I wrote this post before I left for a 4-month maternity leave after giving birth to my son. I feel this sentiment deeper than I did before. I have three children and a husband. I have chickens to feed and a home to tend to. My career is meaningful, yes, but I am empowered outside of it more than ever.

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